Bike Mileage Tips: 12 ways to Increase Bike Mileage

Oil prices have increased significantly in the last few days. Now apart from the car, traveling by bike is also becoming expensive for people. That’s why people are looking for ways to increase their bike mileage.

Bike Mileage Tips: 12 Easy Ways to Increase the Bike Mileage

Today we are telling you some such ways, with the help of which you can increase the mileage of the bike and save fuel. 

The first thing a person riding a bike or scooter understands or asks is mileage. Mileage is very important in a fuel dependent country like ours.

Mileage is the most important factor in any person’s decision to buy a bike. The bike sellers in our market give the highest priority to their bikes and scooters.

We have seen that some bikes could not be sold in the market due to top mileage Bikes. So we are going to give you some tips to improve mileage and keep mileage as new.

  1. Get your bike serviced on time. Serving the bike on time reduces the chances of the machines breaking down quickly. A clean engine that is serviced gives more mileage than an engine that has not been serviced for a long time. Also, use engine oil prescribed by the company on the bike during service.
  2. After timely servicing, adjust the carburetor setting for better mileage. Mileage can be improved by retweeting the carburetor when the bike is giving bad mileage.
  1. Tires also play an important role in mileage. If the air pressure in the tires is less than the bike gives less mileage. Therefore, the mileage can be increased by keeping the tire pressure in balance. In addition to this, changing the tires and using the flat tires also reduces the mileage, so using the same size of the tires as the motorcycle does not reduce the mileage.
  1. When the throttle is not used uniformly and unnecessary braking also increases the fuel consumption of the bike. So accelerate the bike lightly. Also, do not accelerate to a high RPM level in short gear. Also, ride the bike at the same speed and without unnecessary use of gear, which gives good mileage. That’s why most two-wheeler companies say that for the best mileage, the bike should be driven at a speed of 50-60 kilometers per hour. The speed of the bike determines the mileage.
  1. Do not start the engine during traffic jams as it gives poor mileage. It consumes more fuel. When you are in a traffic jam, turn off the engine and you can increase the mileage of the bike. Be sure to switch off the engine when the traffic lights are on.
  1. Avoid direct light when parking the bike. Excessive heat from the sun consumes some amount of fuel. Initially, only a small amount of fuel is consumed, but it can last up to 30 days.
  2. Periodically clean and lubricate the bike chain. If you are in a place with dust and sand, the bike needs cleaning and lubrication. Doing so makes it easier to turn the chain of the bike and also gives more mileage.
  1. Even if the bike’s spare parts are not used by the company, the mileage decreases. So always use only genuine manufacturer recommended parts.
  2. The bike starts to smoke when the spark plug is dirty. This affects the mileage of the bike. Dirty spark plugs do not burn fuel and air mixes well. Apart from cleaning spark plugs, there are also twin head spark plugs in the market which exploit the fuel fully. This will increase the mileage of the bike & fuel economy.
  3. Keep the air filter clean at regular times – the air going into the engine goes through these filters. If these filters become dirty the engine does not get enough air. Because of this, the performance and mileage of the bike is also affected. So it is important to keep the air filters of the bike clean from time to time.
  4. Apply gear according to speed – Shift of gear at the right speed and time will increase the mileage of the bike. If you run the bike at a higher speed in a smaller gear, then it will stress the engine. Due to this, the mileage of the bike will be reduced. Therefore it is important to use the right gear at the right speed. Maintain a constant speed.
  5. Make a short route for a long trip. Don’t feel shy of asking locals on the way for directions & in case you see other riders on the way, you can also consult them, for all you know, you might just get to know of a more interesting route. Enjoy the ride and try & view other motorcyclists’ itineraries before you start.

Apply these tips on your bike or scooter you will get more mileage.

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