Nepali workers can Renew work Permit online
From next week, workers will be able to renew work permit facility online. This will benefit millions of workers who are working in foreign.

After the government provides the facility to renew labor permit online, labor can renew their work permit from online application. For this arrangement, the amount of insurance and foreign employment welfare fund can be paid through the payment gateway specified by the Department of Foreign Employment.
The department has entered into agreements with various insurance companies and payment gateways.
Workers will be able to pay the prescribed fees through gateways like e-Sewa. After paying such fee, the system will send the worker’s email with proof of renewal of labor permit.
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At the same time, Tikamani Neupane, spokesperson of the Department of Foreign Employment, said that the obligation to return to Nepal for legality will be removed after the expiration of labor period abroad. Workers will get the facility of re-entry of labor from abroad twice.
“Those who have obtained a work permit once will be able to re-enter their labor online from anywhere in the world,” he said.
He said that by extending their visa period abroad, those living abroad for more time can re-enter labor online.
Through a bill to amend some Nepali laws, the government had amended the Foreign Employment Act to provide two times the facility of re-entry of workers from abroad.
After becoming the Minister of Labor, Employment and Social Security, Gokarna Bista had shown initiative to make this arrangement. This facility has been provided only twice as the workers may not want to return home when they are given the facility of re-entry from abroad many times.
After this arrangement, even if the labor permit is taken, it will be easier for the workers who have to stay abroad after the expiry of the period to get the labor permit.
After this arrangement, in case of any problem due to non-re-entry of labor, the situation of not getting facility from the Foreign Employment Welfare Fund will end.