Create an Android app without experience? Do it (free)

do you wants to Create an Android App? Right now, 2.5 billion Android devices around the world are waiting for your app to be developed. An organization called Free Code Camp has made public a 15-hour detailed course.

Android operating system logo
android operating system

This course, prepared by iCode, will teach you how to develop Android applications. The great thing about this is that it doesn’t matter if you don’t know how to program to get started.

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In this course you will learn how to build a real-word Android application using Java. While creating the app, you will also learn the basic programming language in Java and object oriented programming.

Some of the topics covered in this course are as follows;

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Introduction to Java programming language including:

Introduction to Java programming language including:
Conditional statements
Collection in Java
Object Oriented Programming
Interfaces and abstract classes
Singleton pattern
KingCurrency in Java
Handling Exceptions

How to Recover Deleted Files from iCloud!

Designing user interfaces including:
Material design
Text view and button
Listview and spinner
Different layouts
Different XML files
Snack bar and card view

Persistent TEDA with shared preferences
And many more

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Here you can learn the code for free. Free Code Camp’s open source course has helped more than 40,000 people find employment as developers. you Can Create an Android app without experience after read this course.