Nepali to English Date Converter

Nepali to English Date Converter (Nepali date to English)

Nepali to English date converter
convert Bs to Ad

This tool converts Bikram sambat Nepali to English date and vice versa. It is a date convert tool between the Bikram sambat B.S and the Gregorian calendar (A.D). The current version of the Nepali date converter is v5.8. Now Bikram Sambat Nepali Date Converter (Version 5.8) can convert dates from 1658B.S – 2100B.S and from English Date 1602A.D – 2044A.D.

Convert Bikram Sambat bs to ad this tool is useful for converting date ad.

Powered by © nepali date converter

English Date Converter is functioning for almost 12 years, in this time several fixes and updates are made to make results accurate and error-free. Adhik maas or Purushottam maas with DST if applicable are determined and pre-calculated here so you will get accurate data conversion. Useful for converting Nepali date of birth to English, historical Nepali dates, filling online application form, etc, and vice versa. Nepali calendar.

Nepali date converter can easily convert dates in English to Nepali and dates in Nepali to English. If you want to convert your date of birth to English and if you need a date of Nepali date in English, it can easily convert. This tool is very useful to convert your date bs date to ad date and ad date to bs date.

If you face problem on this tool please contact us