Kamal Dhital: About My Blogging Journey

Who is Kamal Dhital?

About Kamal Dhital: Howdy, I am Kamal Dhital today I am going to say something about this blog. I was born in the Dhading district. I have been blogging through my next blog since 2013. I don’t know where this journey will end. I created the blog in 2013 but running without enough information.

Kamal-Dhital A blogger from Nepal
Kamal Dhital Blogger

We find blogging easy but sometimes I don’t think it’s as good as it used to be. When a blog post with the worst content appears on Google’s number 1, then you get annoyed when Even if you work hard to get rank in number 1 and, your content or post will not be able to get on rank.


When I heard that blogging can make money, I started looking for ways to make money. And I had two options. 1 To make old blog SEO friendly. 2 Create another blog. I chose the second option and started THEKDBLOG in 2020-11-11.

Tips to New Blogger

Many of my friends ask me how to make money from blogging? I say start blogging not for making money first start blogging with your passion money is a secondary thing in Blogging.

I think you should also be a blogger because you are reading something of mine. Come on, let’s learn something together with an arc. I’ll teach you what I know and, Teach me what you know. Let’s start blogging.

Click here if you want to contact me. Or You can follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.