How to fill out lost bluebook and license Report
Now, if you have lost your driver’s license or blue book, you don’t have to go to the traffic office for recommendation. The Metropolitan Traffic Police has made arrangements to take the recommendation of missing vehicle related documents online from Monday. How to get a lost license or bluebook letter online?
According to the department, around 200 service seekers used to come daily for lost licenses, blue books and driving licenses. With the online service, they can now get the recommendation letter of the traffic police from home.
Apply online for recommendations Letter
Click here to start filling out an online application for a traffic police recommendation.
Now choose the type of document by clicking on Document Type at the beginning to fill the application.
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Clients will be able to receive a recommendation within 24 hours of completing the online application. Click here to see if your letter of recommendation is ready after the application is completed.
Then enter the application number, name and document number and press the check button at the end.