How to Use Safe Browsing in Internet

How to Use Safe Browsing in Internet

While on the one hand, people have resorted to internet lockdown, on the other hand, the cases of hacking related to it have increased rapidly. In this article we are going to talk about how to use safe browsing In Internet. Hackers are mostly targeting users who are using the internet more at the moment. Now the question arises as to what things should be kept in mind while using the internet, so as to avoid falling prey to hackers. So today we are going to give you some special tips while answering this question, which you have to keep in mind while using internet. Let us know about these.

Safe browsing information
how to do safe browsing

Keep an eye on browsing cookies
If you want to keep your data safe, you need to keep an eye on browsing cookies. Because these cookies are the ones that pass information to other sites. The Privacy Tool keeps track of your cookies. In addition, you can also use the security features of the browser. This will never leak or steal your data.

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Keep manual settings
You should keep the settings manual instead of automatic to make browsing safer. Having manual settings will not update the browser without your permission. At the same time, you will have to update the browser from time to time, as this will give you new features of security.

Pay attention to the URL
Whenever you visit a website, you must pay attention to its URL. Let you know that URLs for secure sites start with https. If you see only http in the URL, you should avoid these websites.

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Be sure to delete the browsing history
If you log in to Facebook or Gmail on a system other than your computer, it may leak your personal information. There, your browsing is recorded on the internet service provider. Also you can delete your history after browsing.

Don’t forget to click on the ad
Don’t forget to click on any ad that provides information about the virus in mobile or computer. Hackers often use such ads to prey on people. If you enter information by clicking on these ads, it may make you limp.