Pay Traffic Fines online
Drivers will now be able to pay their fines online for violating traffic rules.
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The metropolitan traffic police department has developed software so that the fines for violating traffic rules can be paid online.

The software is called TVRS (Traffic Violence Record System). By incorporating this technology in the online payment system of the designated bank, the revenue amount due to the fine will be credited to the government revenue account.
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“In order to end the obligation to deposit the amount at the traffic police office and deposit it in the designated bank, online payment is being implemented at home. After the use of the software started seven months ago, the driver does not have to go to the traffic police office.”
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Earlier, a provision has been made to lodge a complaint online in case of loss of vehicle and vehicle documents. With the development of this technology, an average of 400 people have started getting recommendations online daily. Earlier, one and a half hundred people used to sit in line and take recommendations every day. More than 3,000 people have taken online documents and recommendation letters for missing vehicles.
The department has stated that the technology is being used to recommend insurance claims online soon.
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